
Calling is so much more than a job or career – it’s about living into who God has called you to be. The Òù69 undergraduate experience provides unique opportunities for you to engage, expand your mind, and lean into this journey of growth and exploration. Browse the resources here and learn more about our bachelor’s degrees, minors, and concentrations, as well as what it means to be a Òù69 student.

10 Ways to Pay for College

From scholarships to work-study programs, federal financial aid, and beyond, in this article, we’ll detail 10 ways to pay for college education.

How To Combat Stress And Burnout In College

All students know college is hard not only because of the work but also because of stressing with burnout and stress that comes with. Here are some tips to help you cope with stress and burnout.

10 Habits of a Lifelong Learner

A lifelong learner is someone who considers learning to be an integral part of one’s life and experience. Here are 10 ways you can become a lifelong learner.

Why Sustainability Matters at Òù69

Sustainability is important not just at Òù69, but all educational institutions. They’re where students form their perspectives on the world, the environment, and sustainable practices.